Tag Archives: Materials

New superconducting diode could improve performance of quantum computers and artificial intelligence

A University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team has developed a more energy-efficient, tunable superconducting diode—a [...]

Graphene smart membranes can control water

Credit: University of Manchester Researchers at The University of Manchester’s National Graphene Institute (NGI) have [...]

Shrinking endoscopes with meta-optical fibers

A meta-optic is optimized for integration with the coherent fiber bundle, whereas the individual fiber [...]

Research finds new molecular structures in boron-based nanoclusters

New research shows that clusters of boron and lanthanide atoms form an interesting and stable [...]

Gravitational waves innovation could help unlock cosmic secrets

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain New frontiers in the study of the universe—and gravitational waves—have been [...]

Graphene could be key to controlling water evaporation

This visualisation shows layers of graphene used for membranes. Credit: University of Manchester Graphene coatings [...]

New spectroscopy method reveals accelerated relaxation dynamics in compressed cerium-based metallic glass

Two-time correlation functions of the ce-based MG measured by HP-XPCS at different pressures during compression. [...]

How gold nanoparticles could improve solar energy storage

When exposed to sunlight, star-shaped gold nanoparticles coated with a semiconductor allow efficient production of [...]

Physicists uncover ‘parallel circuits’ of spin currents in antiferromagnets

Left: An antiferromagnet can function as “parallel electrical circuits” carrying Néel spin currents. Right: A [...]

Quantum dot white LEDs achieve record efficiency

Researchers created nanomaterial-based white LEDs that exhibit a record high efficiency thanks to quantum dots [...]

Calculation shows why heavy quarks get caught up in the flow

The data points on this graph show that the interactions of heavy quarks (Q) with [...]

Slippery when dry

By creating the graphene-encapsulated diamond ball bearings, or “scrolls”, Sumant’s team found a way to [...]

CERN experiment may help physicists work out the content of neutrino beams

Schematic top-view layout of the NA61/SHINE experiment in the configuration used during the 2017 proton [...]

Smart window controls light and heat, kills microorganisms

Photographs showing one of the three properties of the sterile smart window: control of visible [...]

The hunt for elusive axion particles: Experiments suggest better methods for exploring the dark sector

The expected and actual 90% C.L.s from CCM120 for the ALP-photon coupling gaγ. Also included is [...]