Category Archives: Archaeology

Villa near Mount Vesuvius may be where Augustus, Rome’s 1st emperor, died

Researchers say a villa buried by the eruption in A.D. 79 corresponds with records of [...]

32 times lasers revealed hidden forts and settlements from centuries ago

Lasers have helped uncover ancient human-made structures the world over. Lasers are being used extensively [...]

Traces of hallucinogenic plants and chile peppers found at Maya ball court suggest rituals took place there

An environmental DNA analysis of soil collected at an ancient Maya ball court reveals that [...]

Lasers reveal prehistoric Irish monuments that may have been ‘pathways for the dead’

Archaeologists used lidar to detect a cluster of rare Neolithic monuments hidden in farmland in [...]

Lavish 2,200-year-old tomb unearthed in China may be that of ancient king

It’s not known who was buried in the tomb, but one expert says it was [...]

1,430 ancient Roman graves scattered with funerary festival leftovers unearthed in southern France

Archaeologists in southern France have excavated an ancient Roman cemetery containing 1,430 graves and traces [...]

Plato’s burial place finally revealed after AI deciphers ancient scroll carbonized in Mount Vesuvius eruption

Researchers used AI to decipher an ancient papyrus that includes details about where Greek philosopher [...]

5 catastrophic megathrust earthquakes led to the demise of the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacan, new study suggests

Analyses of Teotihuacan’s three major pyramids show that the city was shaken by multiple catastrophic [...]

Teotihuacan: Ancient city of pyramids

This 2,000-year-old complex in Mexico was one of the largest urban centers in the ancient [...]

DNA analysis spanning 9 generations of people reveals marriage practices of mysterious warrior culture

Researchers reconstructed the relationships among nearly 300 Avars, people from a 1,500-year-old mysterious warrior culture [...]

Weapons chest found on wreck of 15th-century ‘floating castle’ sheds light on ‘military revolution at sea’

The chest could help archaeologists understand the fire and explosion that sank the vessel. Underwater [...]

George Washington’s stash of centuries-old cherries found hidden under Mount Vernon floor

Enslaved people picked the cherries around 250 years ago, likely in pre-Revolutionary War times. Two [...]

‘I nearly fell out of my chair’: 1,800-year-old mini portrait of Alexander the Great found in a field in Denmark

The miniature bronze portrait depicts Alexander the Great with his wavy hair and crown of [...]

Rare ‘porcelain gallbladder’ found in 100-year-old unmarked grave at Mississippi mental asylum cemetery

Archaeologists have discovered the burial of a woman with a rare “porcelain gallbladder” who was [...]

1,700-year-old Roman ruins discovered atop much older Neolithic sacred spring

Archaeologists think veneration of the freshwater spring started in Neolithic times. Archaeologists in France have [...]