Science & TechIs coal to liquid more efficient than gasoline? How much energy in a hurricane, a volcano, and an earthquake? The experimental demonstration of a verifiable blind quantum computing protocol
Bats Use Leaves as Mirrors to Locate and Catch Their Prey
This bat gleans insects from leaves. A team of researchers discovered that by approaching a [...]
How Do Crabs See Food on the Ocean Floor? UV Vision
Gastroptychus spinifer is capable of seeing UV light, researchers discovered. Image via NOAA Bioluminescence Team [...]
8 Ways Laughter Can Help You Naturally Improve Your Health and Lose Weight
Lise Gagne/istockphoto DCL Laughter is a sustainable way to lose weight and get happy and [...]
High-speed atomic force microscopy reveals processes relevant to Alzheimer’s disease
High-speed atomic force microscopy and schematic visualization of protofibrils — dynamics, binding, dissociation and biochemical [...]
Many prisoners go years without touching a smartphone—it means they struggle to navigate life on the outside
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain You’d be hard pressed to find any aspect of daily life [...]
Flamingo Rumps Produce ‘Rouge’ to Primp Pink Plumage
Flamingos use a secretion from the uropygial gland in their rump to keep their feathers [...]
How can soft tissue exist in dinosaur fossils?
Fossils typically give us only the skeletal framework for a dinosaur, not the meat itself. [...]
Q&A: Professor discusses new approaches for the implementation of the quantum internet
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Researchers around the world are working on a network which could [...]