Science & TechHow Dreams Work There’s an acidic zone 13,000 feet beneath the ocean surface — and it’s getting bigger Understanding catalysts at the atomic level can provide a cleaner environment
This Is Your Brain on Fatherhood
Male bat-eared foxes spend much of their time with their offspring, grooming, engaging them in [...]
Unique high-energy electron Xtallography project completes conceptual design review
A world-first instrument, High-energy electron Xtallography Instrument (HeXI), combining the power of electron diffraction with [...]
What happened when the moon ‘turned itself inside out’ billions of years ago?
“For the first time, we have physical evidence showing us what was happening in the [...]
14 Fun Facts About Bright Pink Animals
Each February, the color pink is a bold sign that the season of love has [...]
Cell mechanics research is making chemotherapy friendlier
Element with a sampling probe (highlighted) in the atomic force microscope (AFM) at the Spectroscopic [...]
Better energy harvesting with ‘law-breaking’ device
If you take an object and set it out in the sun, it will begin [...]
June 12 Birthday Astrology
The astrological symbol for Gemini, the third sign of the year, is the Twins. Numerology [...]
How to Clean a Marble Tile Shower Floor
Clean your marble the easy way. iStockphoto/Thinkstock A marble shower creates a beautiful, natural look [...]