Not all interview questions follow the traditional format with standard interview questions. Interviewers may rely on out of the blue questions to decide between candidates and unfortunately you can’t really prepare for those weird questions as you didn’t even know they existed.
The Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) has put together some very weird questions that you might be a little bit shocked about when you receive them during your interview.
You should still stay calm when you have been asked one of following strange questions that you weren’t prepared for.
30 Weirdest Interview Questions
1. Are you a Coronation Street or EastEnders fan?
2. Who would you invite to a dinner party?
3. Which three celebrities would you like to join for a night out?
4. How do you feel about blood sports?
5. What dinosaur would you like to be?
6. Please do an improvisation of a film (with potential co-worker)
7. Do you prefer to be right, or be liked?
8. Please bring a toy with you and explain how this reflects you as a person or a part of your personality
9. Do you like to sing in the bath?
10. Would you rather know a lot about a little or a little about a lot?
11. Tell me 20 unique selling points about this BIC pen
12. What would you do if the sun died out?
13. Do you wear jeans outside of work?
14. If a Hippo falls into a hole how would you get it out?
15. Who is your favourite Doctor Who?
16. Is a Jaffa cake a cake or biscuit?
17. What would you do if you caught a member of staff kissing the boss?
18. Who would win in a fight, superman or batman?
19. Would you drive through an amber traffic light?
20. Which video game character would I like to be and why?
21. Was the book Frankenstein really about state control?
22. Would you post about work on Facebook?
23. Build a tower of paper cups in 1 minute that would not fall down when you put water in the top cup
24. Just entertain me for five minutes, I’m not going to talk
25. What do you think of garden gnomes?
26. How would you cure world hunger?
27. Does life fascinate you?
28. What did you eat today?
29. How would you get an elephant into a refrigerator?
30. What is 37 times 37
photo by: fritenks
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